How to Provide Individual Study Spaces for Students

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How to Provide Individual Study Spaces for Students

We live in a day and age where people are obsessed with technology and everything it has to offer, particularly the internet. All of these things aren’t generally harmful, however, to those who want (or need to) learn, they can be a major distraction.

These devices often do not “allow” students to focus on the learning materials, because they are too interested in what the online world has to “say”. That’s exactly why it’s of huge importance to create an environment that’s going to enable young people to concentrate on more important things.

A study space can literally be anything you opt for, starting from your own home to the library, or any other place that you find convenient and comfortable. If you would like to know how you can create an individual, yet efficient space that will isolate you from various hindrances, then just pay attention to these tips below.

Consider Opting For A Study Carrel

If you’re looking for something that’s going to isolate you in a way, from the noise and other forms of disruptions, then you should definitely take this into consideration. So what can be said about private study carrels and why are they great for these purposes? Namely, they can be defined as a certain study space and/or desk that’s intended for the students, and undergrads, who need some peace and quiet.

They can frequently be seen in libraries and a vast majority of students utilize them because they are able to conduct research, and many other useful tasks without being disturbed by anyone. 

They are perfect for anyone who is yearning for some privacy in order to get the important job done.

You Shouldn’t Allow Anything To Distract You

Every student has a different preference when it comes to the space they are going to create for studying. Those who do not struggle with concentration would normally adapt to every place, even the ones with high traffic, such as coffee shops, restaurants, and similar places.

On the flip side, there are those who would rather opt for something that’s more quiet, like a library, or at home. At the end of the day, it all comes down to your own needs, however, bear in mind that at times, it may not be the smartest idea to study away from your house because you’ll lose a lot of time commuting, plus you must adapt to the operating hours of the place you opted for.

That’s why it’s much more convenient to simply stay at home, and pick an area of your home where no one’s going to disturb you (this refers to those who do not live alone, of course). In these instances, if you lose your concentration easily, you must ensure that all potential distractions are eliminated.

This applies to things like cell phones, TV, radio, or anything else that may encourage you to shift your focus. In other words, make sure to turn all of them off until you’re done, or it’s time to take a break.

Be Sure You Have A Fast Access To Anything You Need

Now that you’ve figured out what needs to be set aside while you’re studying, it’s time to move on to the things that you’ll be needing during this period of time. For starters, you should create a list of all the essentials.

Of course, what it’s going to contain mostly depends on your personal needs, as well as the subject you’ll be studying. For example, you cannot have the same things if you’re studying history, or when you’re studying mathematics, but you always need descent broadband.

In order to help you determine this with ease, we are going to create a list that’s going to be split into two sections. So let’s start with the essentials:

  • Ergonomic furniture is a must because that’s going to make you feel comfortable and since you’ll be sitting probably for hours, you need something that’s cozy, otherwise, you’ll be distracted by the pain you’ll be feeling. Along with this, it would also be wise to have a standing desk. Those who have never tried it out do not know what they are missing out on. It will undoubtedly positively impact your productivity and engagement.
  • Although it was previously suggested to turn off all your devices, if you need a computer for a PowerPoint presentation, or for some research, then you should definitely use it too.
  • Index cards
  • Notebook
  • Some paper – At times, when your concentration is not at the highest level, you will probably think about the things that you must do that have nothing to do with the subject you are studying. That’s completely normal and that’s something that happens to most people. However, if you do not want these thoughts to totally distract you, then it would be wise to jot them down on a piece of paper. By doing so, you’ll know that you won’t forget about them and will be able to focus on your lessons.
  • Lighting – If you’re studying at night, or the place you study in isn’t very light, then you must provide yourself with a desk lamp, otherwise, not only will you not be able to see anything, but your eyes will get tired very quickly.

Now, that the most essential things have been mentioned, let’s move on to the items that are useful for students, yet are not mandatory:

  • Something healthy to drink – This mostly includes liquids like tea, water, or coffee. Tea and coffee are going to boost your concentration, and water is here to help you stay hydrated
  • Healthy snacks – Since you’ll be studying a lot, it’s crucial to have a bite whenever you feel like you’re hungry. To avoid consuming something that’s too heavy, it’s much better to opt for healthy snacks, such as nuts, dried fruits, bananas, cucumber, carrots, etc. Not only can they easily be prepared, but they’ll keep you satiated as well.

As stated before, every student is different and unique in their own way. Some can only study in complete silence, while there are those who thrive in noisy environments. Whatever the situation may be with you, it’s important to implement these tips, if you want to create an individual, yet effective study space.

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